Fire & Rescue

Nathan Flowers - Fire Chief 
1025 M Street PO Box 193 
Gering, NE 69341 
Phone: (308) 436.2441

Facebook Application for Membership

The Gering Fire Department was established in 1914 to respond to structure fires within the City of Gering.  Since our establishment, we have grown to serve the City of Gering and the Gering Rural Fire Districts in all emergency situations.  Our combination department has roughly 45 dedicated responders that are highly trained to respond to various emergencies.  Our department devotes a massive amount of hours to training and introducing our firefighters to all aspects of the fire service.  We have sent firefighters across the nation for training and exercises.  We pride ourselves as being ready.  

Most of our members are EMT's and respond to all medical emergencies within our district.  Our firefighters are Pro Board certified as a Firefighter 1 and many are Firefighter 2 certified. We have many firefighters certified to operate at any Hazmat incident. Our Dive Team includes 12 certified divers and 4 that have attended an extensive Dive Rescue course. We are also the only certified High Angle Rope Rescue teams in Western Nebraska.

Our department also participates in NWCG certified training for wildland fire.  Part of our district includes a 55+ home Wildland - Urban interface neighborhood which includes rugged terrain and hills with Ponderosa Pipe, Juniper Pine and Western Red Cedars.  Because of this, majority of our members are Red Card holders to the minimum of Firefighter Type II.  Our departments seeks out as much NWCG training as possible and have firefighters currently in trainee positions.  Our firefighters hold qualifications in Engine Boss, Firing Boss, ICT 4, RXB2, Task Force Leader and Division Supervisors.  We have been involved with suppression efforts on many of Western Nebraska's major wildland fires since the 1980's and have responded to wildfires in Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota and Utah. Our department statuses through the Federal ROSS system and offers our firefighters opportunity to fight fires throughout the United States.

Firefighters are also qualified and licensed to teach and instruct.  Several of our members serve as part time instructors for the Nebraska State Fire Marshal Training Division.  Our firefighters teach various topics to firefighters across the state of Nebraska.  Many of our EMT's are Nebraska licensed EMS instructors and support the EMS program at Western Nebraska Community College.  Members currently teach the EMT course, Firefighters Rehabilitation, Farm Extrication and many other training courses.  

We are a busy department averaging 750 calls for service including structure and wildland fires, motor vehicle accidents with rapid extrication, medical alarms and assisting other fire departments. We are proud members of the Scottsbluff Mutual Aid Association and assist western Nebraska agencies when requested.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Gering Fire Department please call our office at 308-436-2441 or complete our online application.